Watching the growth of online beauty communities has been extremely interesting and exciting for us at Erno Laszlo. We love reading beauty blogs, and eventually the thought to create our own emerged. It is fun to check in with the daily musings of all the passionate bloggers out there and read their thoughts on the newest trends, best sales and hottest tips. We just know we have something to add to the conversation.
This blog is not only for the existing Erno Laszlo Devotees who have already discovered Erno Laszlo products. It is for all beauty and skincare aficionados and gurus who love to share their thoughts and opinions online. Here you can learn more about the skincare pioneer, Erno Laszlo himself, and find out about special deals, tips and product highlights.
We hope to become a more active part of the online beauty community by building a blog where people can share insights and get their questions about skincare answered. In the segment, “Ask Dr. Laszlo,” we will answer a skincare or Erno Laszlo related question each week. It’s our hope that this will be an interactive and engaging discussion.
So, please, let us know what you think about our blog and what topics you want to hear about! Let’s build a community where ideas and thoughts about beauty and skincare are shared freely and openly. In the spirit of Erno Laszlo, we want to dive right in and make a splash. This will be fun!
~The Team @ Erno Laszlo